The American Circumcision Kickstarter raised over $90,000 – 180% of it’s goal. When we started, we had 200 likes on Facebook, around 100 people on our email list, and maybe 20 twitter followers. Raising the amount we did from such low starting numbers is almost unheard of.
Because of this, I’ve had several friends suggest to me that I should release a product on “How To Crowdfund.”
While finishing the film and delivering on the promises of our Kickstarter is my first priority, releasing something on crowdfunding is definitely a possibility. Plus, I have several friends who’ve done this process even better then me, who might be willing to collaborate.
I’ll have space to work on a crowdfunding video series after the main edit of American Circumcision is locked – probably while we’re waiting on sound or music to do their part, in early spring 2017. However, while we’ve still got some Kickstarter momentum, I’d like to throw the question out now – would you be interested in buying a “How to Crowdfund” video series?
If you’re interested in a “how to crowdfund” video series, subscribe to my email list below:
This email list is just for people interested in crowdfunding. If you subscribe, I’ll let you know once we have something available.
Thanks again for the massive support our film has received. If you want to follow our film project, you can do so here.