My first feature length documentary American Circumcision has been accepted to two film festivals.
American Circumcision will screen at the 2017 Lone Star Film Festival in Forth Worth, TX (Nov 8-12).
American Circumcision has also been accepted to the 2017 Social Justice Film Festival in Seattle, WA.
I’m really excited about both these film festivals.
Right now, I’ve been told the Social Justice Film Festival screening in Seattle will be Sunday November 19, 6pm at the Rainer Arts Center. Tickets will be available online and at the door. I don’t have exact details for the Lone Star Film Festival yet, but I’ve been told the screening will likely be Saturday afternoon, November 11.
If you’re attending either festival or in the Seattle or Forth Worth area, reach out and say hello.
To get emails about future screenings of American Circumcision, subscribe here.
Read More: My Documentary American Circumcision Is Done