Many news articles on circumcision feel the need to mention: “The American Academy of Pediatrics says that the benefits outweigh the -”
Wrong. The AAP has no circumcision policy statement.
Let me explain.
All American Academy of Pediatrics policy statements expire after five years unless renewed. This is taken directly from the last AAP policy statement on circumcision:

The last AAP policy statement on circumcision was published in 2012. It was not renewed. That means, the policy statement expired in 2017 and the AAP has had no circumcision policy statement for two years.
Why are they doing this? My best guess is that the AAP has realized they are wrong on circumcision. Continuing to promote bad medicine creates a massive legal and PR liability for them. They haven chosen a strategy of silence in the hopes they can just fade away from the issue.
Why they don’t have a policy statement is irrelevant. What matters is that the AAP has no circumcision policy statement, and journalists who reference them having one are being inaccurate. At best, you could say “the last circumcision policy statement.” However, you cannot accurately say “the AAP policy statement on circumcision” because the AAP doesn’t have one right now.
If you’d like to educate yourself on the issue of circumcision, please watch my documentary American Circumcision, because it features top experts on both sides of the debate, including the AAP.
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