I shot, and edited this interview with local Virginia artist Malcolm Hughes:
Malcolm is a really talented artist. He’s been working steadily since I was in high school. In fact, it was running into him at a party that lead me to go to the University of the North Carolina School of the Arts film school, since he mentioned the place, and said he knew others who’d gone.
To my knowledge, no one else has put together an interview like this with him. The piece was shot in a little over an hour and edited that evening. It’s a good example of how you can do a lot in a short amount of time.
One of the reasons I do short projects like the recent Night at the Arcade series, or the earlier short doc My Dad & the Drudge Report is because those skills translate into the paying work and larger projects I do.
This video went as quickly as it did, because I’ve been doing documentary interviews and editing for close to decade now (yes, since high school). I’d be very easy for me to repeat this process and create similar videos for other people’s websites, events, or projects.
Malcolm Hughes is will be showing his art in Charlottesville, VA on Oct 24, 2015. For more info, go here.
Watch more: Angel City Zen Center