You have a dream project.
Something in your heart you want to create.
It could be a film, comic, book, music, comedy, performance, or other artistic venture.
It could even be a non-profit or cause that will change the world.
Everyone has some dream project they’ve always wanted to create.
Bringing your dream into reality is hard.
Right now, it may seem impossible to bring your dreams into reality.
Dream projects require a lot of work, and often – they require funding.
It may seem impossible to fund your dream project, especially if you don’t have a clear guide showing you the step by step process to bring your dreams into reality.
You can bring your dream into reality.
There has never been a better time to be an artist or creator,
For the first time ever you can create your dream project entirely independently.
You can reach your audience directly.
You can raise money directly from them.
You can even publish and distribute your dream project all on your own.
You have all the tools you need.
You just need someone to show you how to use them.
I know, because…
I had a dream project.
I was just a kid who wanted to make movies.
However, I was able to raise over $100,000 through crowdfunding, tour with my film across the country, and even get the movie on Netflix.
It all happened because I used simply audience building and crowdfunding techniques that would apply to ANY creative project.
Crowdfunding is the same process no matter the project.
These techniques would work on any artistic venture.
A film, video game, album, theater production, etc. It’s all the same process.
They would also work for any cause or issue that is important to you.
Want to change the world? You’re gonna need attention and funding.
The good news is that building an audience and raising money is the same process, whether you’re running a non-profit or just trying to sell t-shirts.
Storytelling is storytelling, no matter the medium.
This work is not easy.
Working in the arts is hard and creating your dream projects is even harder.
Most of the advice artists receive involves abandoning their dreams.
“Make something more commercial.”
“Do freelance work.”
“Work your way up first.”
Advice to tell other people’s stories – rather than tell the stories that are on YOUR heart.
Even if you’ve found success working on others dreams, there might still be a something you’ve always wanted to do. A dream you aren’t ready to give up on.
If you’ve ready to pursue your dream project…
I made a course for you.
I’ve made a course for people who aren’t ready to give up on their dreams.
A course for people who want to make art that is meaningful.
And is seen by audience.
And makes money.
If you’ve ready to pursue your dream project, sign-up here:
Dreams To Reality:
How To Crowdfund Your Dream Project
I will show you the whole process to bring your dream project from a pitch to a fully-funded reality.
This course is everything I know on the subject.
Sign-up here:
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