What would you say if during the COVID-19 pandemic there was an organization messaging person after person on social media to tell them that there was no human-to-human transmission of coronavirus?
What if this group was also telling people not to use interventions that worked, like masks, and encouraged interventions that would increase virus transmission?
Would you say this group should be publicly shamed? Banned from social media? Shut-down by the government? Or simply ignored and not trusted in the future?
Do you have an answer?
Good. Hold that answer in mind, because unfortunately there was a group doing all of these things. Not only have they not acknowledged their error, but they are now demanding censorship power over social media in order to silence voices that contradict them.
I’m talking of course about the medical establishment.
Here is what the medical establishment did during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Denying Human-To-Human Transmission
In the earliest days of the COVID-19, the World Health Organization wrote that there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus.”

Not only did WHO say there was “no-human-to-human transmission,” but they replied to person after person on social media telling them that there was no transmission.
Of course, there is human-to-human transmission of coronavirus. It spreads so easily that many governments put entire cities and states in quarantine to prevent transmission.
Denying Masks Work
The US surgeon told people to “STOP BUYING MASKS” because “they are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching #Coronavirus.”

Studies show that an 80% mask usage rate “essentially eliminated the influenza outbreak.”
(Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30229968/ )
Mask-wearing countries have done the best during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The evidence is clear: masks work.
The US Surgeon General further complicated their statement by suggesting that masks somehow work for healthcare professionals, but not the general public.
The medical establishment was not prepared, did not have masks, and was not able to get masks.
Rather than admitting they were not prepared, the medical establishment lied to the public about what would keep them safe in order to protect their own interests.
EDIT: Since publishing this, WHO has also engaged in mask-denialism.
Increasing Transmission
US Surgeon general also told people to “get your #FluShot.”

The flu vaccine has been found to increase susceptibility to coronavirus.
(Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31607599/)
In other words, the US Surgeon General promoted an intervention to reduce the spread of coronavirus that increased the transmission of COVID-19.
Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the medical establishment lead a campaign against any who questioned vaccines. Major tech companies banned anti-vaccine media and organizations from their platforms. One doctor even suggested anti-vaccine organizations should be labeled as hate groups.
After removing any group that would question vaccine safety, the medical establishment promoted a vaccine that might have increased COVID-19 transmission.
Who Should You Trust
When I shared an early pitch of this article with a friend, he replied that it would not be a good idea to suggest that people are better off looking up information on the internet than trusting the advice of medical experts.
Yet that’s the problem: In the early days of COVID-19, you would have been safer following the advice of bloggers than medical organizations.
In the early days of COVID-19, the medical establishment told people: Coronavirus is not transmitted between humans. You don’t need masks. Don’t prepare.
In the early days of COVID-19, independent online voices said: Coronavirus could disrupt business as usual. Prepare by buying whatever supplies you need now and limiting your exposure.
The medical establishment could not even get masks for themselves in many cases. They were willing to lie to the public to cover for their own lack of preparedness and act against your interests for their own.
There is a line in the film No Country for Old Men where Anton Chigurh asks a character who is about to die: “If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?”
Similarly, we must ask those saying we should “trust the experts”: if trusting the “experts” brought you to this, of what use were the experts?
Censorship Will Cost Lives
Now, medical organizations are seeking power to censor social media. Twitter has said they will censor content that denies “expert guidance.”
Had this rule been in effect during the beginning of COVID-19, all of the independent voices contradicting WHO, warning that there was human-to-human transmission of COVID-19 would have been censored.
Of course, twitter will not apply this rule universally. Chinese propagandists can still post whatever they want about the virus, and WHO will not be penalized for spreading false information.
The medical establishment claims that members of the public are not capable of understanding medical issues, and will spread misinformation if allowed to have an open conversation.
COVID-19 shows that members of the public understood the pandemic and were better prepared for it than medical organizations. It was the medical establishment that spread misinformation.
If this censorship had been in place prior to COVID-19, more people would have died. I was prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic in February due to the work of independent sources like Mike Cernovich and Balaji Srinivasan. Those who followed “expert guidance” were not.
Credentialism Kills
In the years prior to COVID-19, I made a documentary on circumcision.
When presented with evidence that circumcision was harmful, some doctors would sneer “your google search does not replace my medical degree!”
This is the argument of credentialism. Credentialism is the belief that only those with academic credentials or positions of authority in establishment organizations can have valid opinions on public issues.
Now, the medical establishment is the same argument of credentialism to censor social medial. They want a world in which the only viewpoints heard are those validated by their organizations.
Credentialism is a death cult. Those who support censoring social media or preventing those without credentials from questioning medical issues, support an ideology that will cause people to die, because that is what would happen if independent voices had not been allowed to question the early consensus of the medical establishment on COVID-19.
I know that members of the medical establishment, including those from the organizations that mislead the public about COVID-19, might attack me for writing this. They will say you should not listen to me because I do not have their credentials.
Yet that is the issue: If a person with no credentials could see this issue clearer than them and was better prepared than their organizations, of what use were their credentials?
What that argument points to is that we must open all issues to those without credentials, and evaluate each point of view based on the evidence rather than an appeal to authority. We must keep all debates censorship-free because if we don’t it could cost people their lives.
Consequences For The Establishment
There must be consequences for the medical establishment.
Flip the situation. Suppose a group of Facebook moms told people that coronavirus could not be transmitted between humans, masks don’t work, and encouraged interventions that increased virus transmission.
How would the medical establishment treat them?
Shouldn’t we at least hold the medical establishment to the same standard as Facebook moms? If anything, we should hold them to a higher standard, because they have greater power and influence.
Right now, the medical establishment is trying to pretend like they did not mislead the public during COVID-19 and make this crisis worse.
If any other person or organization did what the medical establishment did, they would bring it up in every future article written about them. “WHO, an organization that told people coronavirus could not be transmitted between humans, said…”
There will not be consequences for the medical establishment unless we do the same. The medical establishment deserves to be held to the same standard they hold others to. People’s lives depend on it.

Brendon Marotta is the director of American Circumcision. He has no academic credentials, but many of the people who appear in his film and have praised his work do.
Please share this article anywhere you see credentialism.
Originally published on BrendonMarotta.com. You have my permission to repost it on your website or blog as long as you link back to the original.